Learning Technology Advisory Group

In 2021, the previous Innovation Committee and User Committee for learning technology at UBC were merged to form the Learning Technology Advisory Group (LTAG). This group serves a crucial role of voicing faculty and student feedback in the learning technology governance at UBC

Jump to a section: Current Members | Terms of Reference | Agendas

Current Members

  • Elisa Baniassad (Co-Chair) – Acting Academic Director, CTLT, and Professor of Teaching, Computer Science, Faculty of Science
  • Ramon Lawrence (Co-Chair) – Academic Director, Centre for Teaching and Learning, and Professor, Computer and Data Science, Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science, Okanagan
  • Marina Adshade – Assistant Professor of Teaching, Vancouver School of Economics
  • Natasha Boskic – Director, Learning Design, and MET Instructor, Faculty of Education
  • James Charbonneau – Associate Dean – Students, Faculty of Science
  • Gregory duManoir – Associate Professor of Teaching, School of Health and Exercise Sciences (Okanagan)
  • Florian Gassner – Associate Professor of Teaching, CENES, Faculty of Arts
  • Bowen Hui – Associate Professor of Teaching, Computer Science (Okanagan)
  • Kayli Johnson – Associate Professor of Teaching, Chemistry, Faculty of Science
  • Jason Lieblang – Associate Professor of Teaching, CENES, Faculty of Arts
  • Mark Mac Lean – Professor of Teaching, Department of Mathematics
  • tbd – student reps
  • Qian Wang – Chinese Language Program Director, and Associate Professor of Teaching, Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts(on leave)
  • Tammy Yasrobi – Associate Director, Teaching & Learning Technologies, CTLT(ex officio, non-voting)

Non-voting Attendee

  • Catherine Aldana – Project Manager, The Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology

Terms of Reference


The Learning Technology Advisory Group shares expertise, provides feedback, and makes recommendations on arising issues, as requested by the LT Hub Leadership Team or brought forward by members. These requests, as well as the information flow between all the LT governance groups including the Learning Technology Leadership Team and Operations Committee, are facilitated by the representative from LT Hub Leadership Team.


  • Makes recommendations for improvements around identified functionality gaps.
  • Provides feedback on setting priorities for filling functional gaps.
  • Serves as a forum for peer-to-peer practice sharing within the group, as well as making suggestions for sharing more broadly at the department/faculty level and beyond.
  • Promotes information-sharing around learning technology between faculty and students—not only within the group but beyond to the classroom and university community.
  • Contributes information about discipline-specific contexts on issues related to teaching with technology.
  • Assists with setting criteria for selection of new learning technology components in the environment.


  • Provides perspective and feedback on user issues related to tools in the learning technology environment, including effective practices, pain points and identifying functionality gaps.
  • Includes current established university-wide systems, platforms, tools, services, and supports that are widely used in teaching and learning, as well as emerging learning technology tools.
  • Advises on current and future pedagogical priorities and the tools required to support them.
  • Identifies and provides input on opportunities and priorities for innovation.


2024 Agendas


  • LTAG mandate
  • The LT Inclusion Process and LTAG’s role

Past Agendas

March 2022:

  • Discuss draft discussion paper about class recordings

October 2021:

  • Overview and purpose of LTAG
  • Review draft terms of reference
  • Upcoming topics: recommendations from Beyond COVID working groups
  • Discussion of class recordings: how they are being used, feedback and suggestions

November 2021:

  • Presentation of Learning and Teaching Beyond COVID report with Simon Bates, Associate Provost, Teaching and Learning
  • Further discussion of class recordings
  • Feedback on Canvas New Quizzes