LT Hub Leadership

The LT Hub Leadership has oversight of operational activities and works closely with faculty, staff, and all learning technology committees. The group is chaired by the Academic Director of CTLT and includes the Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Teaching & Learning, Associate Provost, Learning Services (Okanagan), CIO and Associate Vice-President, Information Technology, and two senior staff from CTLT and UBC IT who oversee learning technology operations.

Jump to a section: Current Members | Terms of Reference | Agendas

Current Members

  • Elisa Baniassad (Chair) – Acting Academic Director, The Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT)
  • Simon Bates – Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Teaching and Learning, Office of the Provost
  • Jennifer Burns – Associate Vice-President, Information Technology, and CIO
  • Christina Hendricks(on leave)
  • Aarti Paul – Director, Engagement Services, IT
  • Brad Wuetherick – Associate Provost, Academic Programs, Teaching and Learning (Okanagan)
  • Tammy Yasrobi – Associate Director, Teaching & Learning Technologies, CTLT

Non-voting Attendee

  • Catherine Aldana – Project Manager, The Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology

Terms of Reference


The Learning Technology Hub Leadership group makes recommendations to the LT Leadership Team (LTLT) on the evolution of the LT ecosystem. The LT Hub Leadership reports to LTLT and provides oversight of the committees under the LT governance structure.


  • Effective Learning Technology planning and decision making for UBC.
  • Prioritization of operational activity.
  • Makes recommendations on the optimal F(f)aculty support and service model(s).
  • Determines lifecycle management of tools and services.
  • Provides oversight of LT operations, working through close interface across students, faculty, staff, CTLT, UBC IT, CTL and all LT committees.
  • Provides facilitation of topic-specific working groups as needed.


  • Consultative and decision making body responsible for effective planning and oversight of operations related to the advancement of teaching and learning through the use of learning technologies.
  • Strategic oversight, in consultation with LTLT, of University-wide systems, software, services and support that are primarily used for teaching and learning (including: classroom technology, mobile technology, media and content repositories).
  • Scope includes established (enterprise), emerging (pilot) and potential (innovation) LT tools and applications.


2024 Agendas

January 2024:

  • Update on Enterprise Video Platform project

February 2024:

  • Update on Enterprise Video Platform project
  • Zoom retention policy and options for accessing video content

March 2024:

  • Review draft Principles and Guidelines from GenAI in Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee
  • Discuss role of Learning Data Committee and relation to LT governance

April 2024:

  • Updates on Enterprise Video Platform project
  • Preparation for April 26 LT Leadership Team meeting

May 2024:

  • Updates

June 2024:

  • Preparation for June Learning Data Committee meeting

Past Agendas

January 2023:

  • Discussion of potential review of LT committee Terms of Reference

February 2023:

  • Preferred names and pronouns in Canvas
  • Prepare for March 1 Learning Data Committee meeting

March 2023:

  • Update on Enterprise Video Platform project
  • Planning for next LT Leadership Team meeting
  • Discuss support and governance for non-credit courses

April 2023:

  • Planning for May 4 LT Leadership Team meeting
  • Functionality, support and licenses for online marking and grading tools

May 2023:

  • Planning for May 26 Learning Data Committee
  • Update on data retention policy

June 2023:

  • Update on Enterprise Video Platform project

July 2023:

  • Update on Enterprise Video Platform project

August 2023:

  • Discuss migration of Zoom cloud recordings

September 2023:

  • Discuss migration of Zoom cloud recordings
  • Discuss accessibility tool pilot results
  • Update on non-credit LT working group
  • Cybersecurity controls and compliance support

October 2023:

  • Discussion retention schedules for teaching and learning materials
  • Discuss LTE Principles next steps

November 2023:

  • Discuss budget planning for FY24/25
  • Update from non-credit LT working group

December 2023:

  • Planning for LTLT meeting in new year

January 2022:

  • Discuss future strategy for Keep Teaching website
  • Engagement approach for Digital Strategy initiative
  • High Performance Computing update
  • Review draft briefing paper re: video recording retention policy
  • Preparation for February 2 LT Leadership Team meeting

February 2022:

  • Using Canvas for university announcements
  • Potential changes to Learning Data Committee

March 2022:

  • Support for SurveyMonkey Apply
  • Draft principles for LT tools integration, support and funding
  • Preparation for April 8 LT Leadership Team meeting

April 2022:

  • Update on Enterprise Video Platform project
  • AV equipment delivery delays - impacts and actions
  • Considerations for posting university-wide announcements on Canvas
  • Class recordings paper from LT Advisory Group

May 2022:

  • Accessibility - tool update and upcoming legislation
  • Update on AV equipment delivery delays
  • Update on video retention schedule
  • Proposed changes to membership and scope of the Learning Data Committee

June 2022:

  • Discussion of revisions to Learning Data Committee membership and Terms of Reference
  • LT Hub support for edX Edge

July 2022:

  • Review draft update on Enterprise Video Platform project for August ITAC
  • Review draft closure report for High Performance Computing project for August ITAC
  • LT Hub service delivery model
  • Update on Ally

August 2022:

  • Update on Enterprise Video Platform project
  • Update on AV product delays
  • Update on Ally
  • Review LT committee memberships

September 2022:

  • Update on Enterprise Video Platform project approval process
  • Discuss Guidelines for Technology Enhanced Learning from Ministry's Digital Learning Strategy report
  • Discuss support for non-credit offerings
  • Updates on LT and LD committee memberships

October 2022:

  • Update on Enterprise Video Platform project
  • Student and staff preferred names in Canvas
  • Early access for sessional

November 2022:

  • Review draft Terms of Reference and proposed membership for the Enterprise Video Platform project Steering Committee
  • Update from departments on High Performance Computing
  • LT Hub and LT license model review

December 2022:

  • Update on Enterprise Video Platform project

January 2021:

  • Online discussion tools
  • Prep for January 20 LT Leadership Team meeting
  • MS Teams chat retention policy
  • Impacts of processing job changes on Workday on course access and SEOI
  • Ally pilot
  • LT funding

February 2021:

  • Discuss MS Teams for teaching and learning, including retention policy
  • Impacts of Workday appointment timing process on TAs, sessional and SEOI
  • Expanding LTLT membership - review list of nominees
  • Prep for February 11 Learning Data Committee
  • Ally pilot

March 2021:

  • Satellite studio services
  • Licensing updates
  • LT evaluations: updates and timelines
  • Learning technology and student privacy
  • Senate motion regarding Proctorio
  • Planning for fall

April 2021:

  • Planning for fall
  • Discussion of virtual classroom and video hosting tool features
  • Update on Ally pilot
  • Prep for May 6 LT Leadership Team meeting

May 2021:

  • Update on New Quizzes
  • Update on timing for media capture RFP and implementation
  • Prep for May 6 LT Leadership Team meeting
  • Update on campus Wi-fi upgrades
  • Update on Piazza
  • Planning for fall
  • Discussion of funding for LT licenses

June 2021:

  • Update on implementation timeline for media capture in classrooms
  • High Performance Computing project update
  • LT tools updates, including iClicker and restarting assessment tools evaluation
  • Planning for fall, including draft service model for LT Hub

July 2021:

  • Update on implementation of media capture in classrooms
  • Update on High Performance Computing project
  • Updates on tool evaluations

August 2021:

  • Updates on implementation of media capture in classrooms
  • Enterprise video platform evaluation
  • Principles for recording of live classroom activities
  • Student display names for Microsoft applications

September 2021:

  • Final reports on implementation of media capture in classrooms
  • Preparation for September LT Leadership Team meeting
  • Retention approach for Zoom class recordings
  • Review membership for LT Advisory Group
  • Enterprise video platform update
  • Proctoring tools
  • Support for Survey Monkey Apply

October 2021:

  • Update on classroom recordings and potential retention policy
  • Update on enterprise video platform
  • High Performance Computing service proposal
  • Preparation for October 19 LT Leadership Team meeting
  • Preparation for October 25 LT Advisory Group Meeting

November 2021:

  • Enterprise video platform updates
  • Recording retention policy update
  • Discuss online proctoring use cases and requests
  • Ally usability testing report and discuss next steps

December 2021:

  • Recording retention policy update
  • Discuss Digital Strategy Academic Sessions
  • Impacts of FIPPA change
  • LA Governance: advisory function

January 2020:

  • Learning Analytics Project updates
  • LT Funding model
  • Moratorium on non-emergency Building Ops work during exams

February 2020:

  • Update on High Performance Computing for teaching and learning
  • Learning Analytics Project updates
  • LT Funding model update
  • Discuss draft LT - Enterprise Cloud Application Customization Guidelines

March 2020:

  • Update on High Performance Computing for teaching and learning
  • Learning Analytics Project updates
  • Discuss draft LT - Enterprise Cloud Application Customization Guidelines
  • Discuss 2020 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report - Teaching and Learning Edition

April 2020:

  • Status updates on current platforms
  • Future contingency planning
  • Update on High Performance Computing for teaching and learning
  • Learning Analytics Project updates
  • Discuss dial in options for students for BB Collaborate

May 2020:

  • Discuss dial in options for students for BB Collaborate
  • Preparation for May ITAC
  • Discuss potential role for LTUC re: online teaching and learning for summer and fall
  • Discuss student online learning surveys via Canvas
  • Update on potential tools/platforms for student collaboration

June 2020:

  • Student collaboration platforms
  • Provost's Working Groups recommendations - LT implications and lab tools
  • Proposal for 3D/immersive learning task force and project
  • Student response systems
  • Peer evaluation tools

July 2020:

  • Updates: MS Teams and Zoom
  • Preparation for LT Leadership Team meeting August 7
  • High Performance Computing for student learning pilot project

August 2020:

  • Updates: Zoom, Collaborate Ultra, MS Teams, student response systems and lab tools
  • Final preparation for LT Leadership Team meeting August 7

September 2020:

  • Updates: Zoom, iClicker Cloud, Collaborate Ultra, and Alibaba Global Accelerator

October 2020:

  • Updates: Zoom
  • Planning for Winter Term 2 support

November 2020:

  • Zoom updates
  • MS Teams chat retention policy
  • Faculty and student group formed to discuss criteria for online proctoring software
  • Blackboard Ally - planning for a pilot
  • Preparation for December LT Leadership Team meeting

January 2019:

  • LTE Renewal Project updates
  • Learning Analytics Project updates
  • LT Tool budget discussion
  • Preparation for February Learning Data Committee
  • Update on LT User Committee role and direction
  • Review draft document regarding information for students re: learning data

February 2019:

  • LTE Renewal Project updates
  • Learning Analytics Project updates
  • Preparation for February LT Leadership Team
  • Preparation for February Learning Data Committee

March 2019:

  • LTE Renewal Project updates
  • Learning Analytics Project updates
  • Preparation for April LTLT
  • Preparation for April LDC

April 2019:

  • LTE Renewal Project updates
  • Learning Analytics Project updates
  • Preparation for May ITAC
  • Preparation for April LTLT

May 2019:

  • LTE Renewal Project updates
  • Learning Analytics Project updates
  • Draft Funding Model for Learning Technologies
  • High-Performance computing for student learning

June 2019:

  • Learning Analytics Project updates
  • Discuss revised LT Funding Model proposal
  • Review LT and Learning Analytics committee memberships for upcoming year

July 2019:

  • Learning Analytics Project updates
  • LTE closure report update
  • LT Funding Model proposal update

September 2019:

  • LT Funding Model proposal update
  • Learning Analytics Project updates
  • Preparation for September Learning Data Committee
  • Preparation for September Learning Analytics Steering Committee

November 2019:

  • Learning Analytics Project updates
  • High Performance Computing
  • Review draft DAE case for Emerging Media Lab

January 2018:

        • LTE Renewal Project updates
        • Learning Analytics Project updates

February 2018:

        • LTE Renewal Project updates
        • Learning Analytics Project updates
        • Follow-up on President's visit to the Emerging Media Lab
        • Preparation for LTLT meeting
        • Preparation for ITAC

March 2018:

        • LTE Renewal Project updates
        • Preparation for LTLT meeting

April 2018:

        • LTE Renewal Project updates
        • Learning Analytics Project updates
        • Preparation for LTLT meeting

May 2018:

        • LTE Renewal Project updates
        • Final preparation for ITAC
        • Review of LT Committees: Scope, purpose, memberships, roadmap and timelines
        • Preparation for Learning Data Committee meeting

June 2018:

        • LTE Renewal Project updates
        • Learning Analytics Project updates
        • Preparation for August ITAC
        • Review memberships for all LT and Learning Analytics committees

July 2018:

        • LTE Renewal Project updates
        • Learning Analytics Project updates
        • Preparation for August ITAC

August 2018:

        • LTE Renewal Project updates
        • Learning Analytics Project updates
        • Preparation for August ITAC
        • Software evaluations and procurement updates
        • LT committee membership updates
        • Review Terms of Reference for LT committees
        • Planning session with LT User and LT Innovation committee faculty co-chairs

September 2018:

        • LTE Renewal Project updates
        • Learning Analytics Project updates

October 2018:

        • LTE Renewal Project updates
        • Learning Analytics Project updates
        • Preparation for October and November LT Leadership Team meetings
        • Review documents for October ITAC
        • Discuss LT Tool Budget asks for FY2019-20

November 2018:

        • LTE Renewal Project updates
        • Learning Analytics Project updates
        • Preparation for November LT Leadership Team meeting
        • Preparation for November Learning Data Committee meeting

January 2017:

        • LTE Renewal Project update - Pilot course start up, pilot course evaluation, committee composition, vendor presentation planning, communications strategy, plans for visiting Faculties to discuss LMS transition support needs and preparations for LTLT and ITAC presentation
        • Learning Analytics update - implementation plan
        • Microsoft Collaboration

February 2017:

        • LTE Renewal Project update - preparation for vendor visits, update on Faculty visits to discuss LMS transition support needs, preparation for Associate Deans Academic meeting and next stage of procurement
        • Microsoft collaboration update
        • Learning Analytics update
        • Review draft guidelines and principles for piloting/selecting educational technology tools
        • LT Innovation Committee and Emerging Technologies Lab governance

March 2017:

        • LTE Renewal Project update - discuss next stage of procurement and Faculty visits to discuss LMS transition support needs
        • Preparation for LT Leadership Team meeting - Learning Analytics and LTE Renewal presentations

April 2017:

        • LTE Renewal Project update - discuss input from visits to Faculties, student engagement and communications
        • Microsoft collaboration update
        • Learning Analytics - planning for Project kickoff

May 2017:

        • LTE Renewal Project updates
        • Planning for call for Learning Analytics and 3-D Learning innovation submissions and kickoff webinar
        • Learning Analytics Project updates - review membership lists, websites and materials
        • Update on best practice guidelines for wireless exams

June 2017:

        • LTE Renewal Project updates
        • Learning Analytics Project updates
        • LT Innovation webinar follow-up

July 2017:

        • LTE Renewal Project updates
        • Learning Analytics Project updates

August 2017:

        • LTE Renewal Project updates
        • Review LT committee memberships for coming year
        • Discuss proposed LT Showcase

September 2017:

        • LTE Renewal Project updates
        • Learning Analytics Project updates
        • Updates on 3-D Learning innovation engagement proposals
        • Planning for LT Showcase

October 2017:

        • LTE Renewal Project updates
        • Student feedback on ecosystem of tools
        • Planning for LT Showcase: Teaching with Technology

November 2017:

        • LTE Renewal Project updates
        • Review materials to submit to ITAC
        • Preparation for upcoming committee meetings: LDC, LTLT and LA Project Steering
        • Review LT Showcase submissions
        • Discussion of GDPR provisions and implications
        • Update on 3-D Learning submissions

December 2017:

        • LTE Renewal Project updates
        • Learning Analytics Project updates
        • Final preparations for LT Showcase

January 2016:

        • LT Governance Committee communications
        • LT Hub website
        • SASI Risk Assessment for LT Hub services
        • Digital Learning Environment strategy green light planning
        • Agenda planning for February meeting of LT Leadership Team

February 2016:

        • Review draft documents for Digital Learning Environment strategy green light planning
        • Review draft updates on LT Governance Committees
        • Finalize agenda for February meeting of LT Leadership Team

March 2016:

        • Strategies for coordination of projects across campus
        • Updates on scope and deliverables for LT Innovation Committee and LT User Committee

April 2016:

        • Discussion of LT User Committee Summary paper and feedback from LT Leadership Team
        • Follow-up on Digital Learning Environment project timing and stakeholder input from LT Leadership Team
        • Review of Guiding Principles for Digital Learning Environment Selection to be presented to LT Leadership Team in May
        • Preparation and planning for Digital Learning Environment approval steps

May 2016:

        • Review of presentation materials, including Digital Learning Environment Guiding Principles and Business Case, Learning Analytics Business Case and LT Innovation Pedagogical Priorities, for LT Leadership Team May meeting
        • Preparation for presentation at ITAC May meeting
        • Discussion of feedback and actions from LT Leadership Team on Digital Learning Environment Business Case and Guiding Principles
        • Discussion of evaluation process for Digital Learning Environment faculty secondees

June 2016:

        • Planning for Digital Learning Environment Project
        • Confirm Faculty Secondees to work on Digital Learning Environment Project
        • Review LT User Committee and LT Innovation Committee memberships

July 2016:

        • Rename DLE Project to Learning Technology Environment (LTE) Renewal project
        • Update from Strategist on LTE Renewal project faculty secondees

August 2016:

        • Update from Strategist on LTE Renewal project
        • Discuss draft of Teaching and Learning component for IT Strategic Framework
        • Review revised Functional maps
        • Planning for University of Cologne delegation

September 2016:

        • Planning for Town Halls and joint LT Innovation and LT User Committee meeting for input on LTE Renewal project
        • Confirm new members to join LT Innovation and LT User committees

October 2016:

        • Final planning for LTE Renewal Town Halls
        • Discuss LTE Renewal project timeline
        • Discuss LTE Renewal update for Executive and ITAC

November 2016:

        • Update on LTE Renewal Project - Phase 1 update, pilot course recommendations and Phase 2 planning
        • Learning data and analytics principles
        • Review Pedagogical Priorities document with Dr. Claudia Krebs, Chair, LT Innovation Committee

December 2016:

        • Update on LTE Renewal Project
        • Update on Learning Analytics