Copyright Support

Use of any UBC learning technology must comply with Canadian copyright laws. You can get help with compliance using the support points here. For more information about copyright at UBC, please visit the Copyright at UBC website.

Uploaded Copyrighted Works Require Authorization

Considerations When Using Learning Technology

Uploading and posting content from copyrighted works requires general authorization under Canada’s Copyright Act (e.g., fair dealing, public domain, or other exceptions) or authorization directly from the copyright holder (e.g., a UBC license that permits such use or the express permission from the copyright holder).

Any copyrighted resources provided within Canvas or any other learning technology may only be printed (single copy only) or accessed for your own research, private study, criticism, review, or news reporting and may not be further copied or distributed, except in accordance with the Fair Dealing Requirements for UBC faculty and staff and the Copyright Guidelines for UBC faculty, staff, and students.

Support for managing the copyright attribution process can be found using the contacts below.


Copyright Help

Course Reserves

Library Online Course Reserves (LOCR) is a request application for managing your course reserves at UBC. LOCR ensures that required materials for courses are available to you and your students. You can request course reserves by adding the content yourself or by sending a list of materials for librarians to add them for you. In either case, UBC Library staff will ensure that your course reserves are copyright compliant and will handle acquisitions of any required licenses.

Individualized Help

UBC Vancouver

Contact your faculty’s Instructional Support Unit as your first point of contact.

Contact us for further assistance:
604 827 4775 or or visit the LT Hub online.

UBC Okanagan

Contact a UBCO subject librarian.