Find tools for sharing course content with your students online at UBC. All tools recommended by the LT Hub receive central technical and pedagogical support.
Course Content
These tools let you share course content online like text, video, audio, and images. They also offer ways of engaging your students with interactive activities.
General Tips
- Break down your content into clear and concise units of information. Smaller content chunks are easier for students to absorb.
- Switch between different mediums of content delivery to increase the engagement and accessibility of your course.
- Keep your content accessible for everyone by following accessibility best practices (e.g., adding closed-captioning and transcripts for video, being mindful of how you use colours, tables, and links).
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Share and organize content in UBC’s primary learning platform. Canvas lets you use modules to provide a clear course sequence for students to follow.
What are the benefits?
- Since Canvas courses are automatically created each term, you can log in and immediately start filling your space with content-rich modules.
- You can organize the modules by weeks, days, topics, or whatever makes the most sense for your context.
- Each module can contain text, multimedia, and files, as well as discussions, assignments, quizzes, and other interactive learning activities. This content can be dragged and dropped in the desired spot in your module sequence.
- You can hide modules until a specified date or set up prerequisites that students need to complete before accessing the next module.
High demand
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Kaltura in Canvas
Upload video, audio, and image files (or have your students do so) in a Canvas course, then embed this multimedia wherever you want to share it.
What are the benefits?
- With Kaltura, you have unlimited file storage and can upload individual media files up to 5GB each.
- You can add in-video quizzes to engage students as they watch video lectures. Outcomes of these quizzes can count in your Canvas Gradebook as assignments, if you want to track student performance.
- You can improve accessibility for students using Kaltura’s auto-captioning, which streamlines adding closed-captioning and video transcripts to your media.
Library Online Course Reserves (LOCR)
Request course reserves online and UBC Library staff will ensure that the content is available to students with appropriate copyright permissions.
What are the benefits?
- You can add copyright-compliant articles, books, web links, and media resources to your course content.
- Once the content is approved, you can directly link to it in or outside of Canvas, and only students registered in your course will be granted access.
- You can also have PDFs of specific book chapters made to share with your students.
UBC Blogs
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UBC Blogs
Host open course websites, where you and your students can create, share, and comment on content.
What are the benefits?
- UBC Blogs allows content to be posted publicly, meaning that people outside the course can engage with it. Students can also continue accessing content after the course is over.
- Content from other UBC tools can be embedded into UBC Blogs, such as pages from the UBC Wiki or videos from Kaltura.
- You can provide direct access to UBC Blogs in Canvas through your Course Navigation or as part of a module.
UBC Wiki
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UBC Wiki
Create, manage, and share content in a collaborative space that is editable by anyone with a UBC Campus-Wide Login (CWL).
What are the benefits?
- You can enable quick collaboration on content for your students, without having to do much setup technical setup.
- Having students learn the markup language used in UBC Wiki provides an additional real-world skill, as this language is also used for other wiki platforms like Wikipedia.