Overall accountability for learning technology rests with the Learning Technology Leadership Team, chaired by the Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Teaching & Learning, and comprised of a small number of senior academic leaders from both campuses, student representation, and the Academic Director of CTLT and the CIO.
The Committee has the authority to approve spending within a specified annual budget envelope. For significant investments, this group makes recommendations to the Executive and to the Board.
Jump to a section: Current Members | Terms of Reference | Agendas
Current Members
- Simon Bates (Chair) – Vice-Provost and Associate-Vice President, Teaching and Learning
- Joseph Anthony – Associate Dean, Health Professions, Faculty of Medicine
- Elisa Baniassad – Acting Academic Director, The Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT; ex officio)
- tbd – Okanagan student
- Heather Berringer – Associate Provost, Academic Operations and Services and Chief Librarian (Okanagan)
- Stefania Burk – Associate Dean, Academic, Faculty of Arts
- Jennifer Burns – Associate Vice-President, Information Technology, and CIO (ex officio)
- tbd – Student Senator
- Teresa Dobson – Associate Dean, Academic and Innovation, Faculty of Education
- Davide Elmo – Associate Dean, Students and Professional Development, Faculty of Applied Science
- Drédyn Fontana – Vice-President Academic and University Affairs, AMS
- Sarah Gergel – Associate Dean, Academic, Faculty of Forestry
- Christina Hendricks – (on leave)
- Sandy Hilton – Dean pro tem, Faculty of Management (Okanagan)
- Elicia Salzberg – Senior Associate Dean, Students, Sauder School of Business
- Jaclyn Stewart – Associate Dean, Academic, Faculty of Science
- Bryce Traister – Dean, Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies (Okanagan)
- Brad Wuetherick – Associate Provost, Academic Programs, Teaching and Learning (Okanagan)
- Rickey Yada – Dean, Faculty of Land and Foods Systems
Terms of Reference
The Learning Technology Leadership Team (LTLT) advises the UBC Executive and, as appropriate, the Board of Governors, on strategic uses of technology to enable and support innovation in pedagogy, for the purpose of providing an exceptional learning environment.
- Provides strategic leadership for UBC’s Learning Technology Ecosystem (LTES) in order to support the teaching and learning mission.
- Decides on LT investments within Committee budget parameters.
- Makes recommendations on key investments to UBC Executive and Board of Governors.
- Consults with academic strategy groups (e.g. Committee/Council of Deans, Associate Deans Academic, UBC Executive) to identify the key strategic drivers for pedagogical innovation and/or direction.
- Provides strategic guidance for identification, selection and adoption of significant University-wide learning technologies.
- Oversees the development of policies regarding the deployment, use and operation of learning technologies, in collaboration with other relevant academic committees.
- Advocates for the needs of learners and teachers using learning technologies.
- Provides strategic direction for the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning.
- Strategic oversight of University-wide systems, software, services and support that are primarily used for teaching and learning (including: classroom technology, mobile technology, media and content repositories).
- Scope includes established (enterprise), emerging (pilot) and potential (innovation) LT tools and applications.
2024 Agendas
April 2024:
- Enterprise Video Platform Project update
- Non-credit working group
- LT Advisory group update
- Draft Inclusion/Sunset process for learning technology
Past Agendas
May 2023:
- Enterprise Video Platform Project
- Updating principles for integration, support and funding of tools in the LT ecosystem
- Functionality, support and licenses for online marking and grading tools
- Budget and updates
February 2022:
- Principles and process for when learning technology licenses are eligible to be considered for central funding
- Online invigilation tools that could be used under the Senate motion
- Draft video recording retention policy
April 2022:
- Principles for integration, support, and central funding of tools in the LT Ecosystem
- UBC Digital Strategy
January 2021:
- Overview of evaluations for this year: virtual classroom tools, online assessment tools, online discussion tools and plagiarism tools
- Updates and discussion re: online proctoring software, including Proctorio
- Online discussion tools
- Online assessment tools
May 2021:
- Updates on tool evaluations
- Update on online proctoring software, including approach for DE courses
- Ally pilot and usability testing
- Planning for fall, including: transition coordination, Canvas time zone tool and support preferences
September 2021:
- Enterprise Video Platform
- License funding
October 2021:
- Principles for when LT licenses are eligible to be funded centrally
- High Performance Computing
- Update on tool evaluations
July 2020:
- Collaboration Platforms
- Proctorio
- Student Response Systems
August 2020:
- Updates: Proctorio, Zoom and MS Teams
- Collaborate Ultra: faculty feedback, updates and decision on license
- Student response systems
- Student Peer Assessment Tools Working Group - Final Report & Recommendations
December 2020:
- Online proctoring software
- Collaborate Ultra update
- Piazza update
- Updates on planned evaluations
February 2019:
- Update on LT budget asks
- Review draft Principles and Priorities for LT tools
- Presentation and request to move HR training to new system
April 2019:
- LT Innovation Committee Recommendations for LT Investment
- LT Funding model update
- Revised Principles and Priorities for LT Tools
October 2019:
- LT Funding model update
- High Performance Computing
- Learning Analytics Project update
- Revised Principles and Priorities for LT Tools
February 2018:
- Update on costs of digital learning materials
- Update on LTE Renewal project and terms of service
- Update on Survey Tool
- Criteria and principles for campus wide LT deployments
April 2018:
- Update on costs of digital learning materials
- Update on Criteria and principles for campus wide LT deployments
- Learning Analytics Deliverables
- Report on barriers and enablers for faculty use of LT from the LT User Committee
October 2018:
- Update on costs of Digital Learning Materials
- Strategic Development of LT Ecosystem
November 2018:
- Principles and Priorities for LT Tools
- Overview of LT tool support, usage, benefits and budget asks
January 2017:
- LTE Renewal Project update
- Piloting educational technology tools - decision making process discussion
March 2017:
- LTE Renewal Project update
- Review of draft principles for selecting/piloting educational technology tools
- Learning Analytics Project update
May 2017:
- Update on draft principles for selecting/piloting educational technology tools
- LTE Renewal Project update on support plan and Faculty consultations
- Learning Analytics Project update, including formation of two new committees (Learning Data Committee and Project Steering Committee)
- Call for topics and areas of exploration for Learning Teaching Innovation in the areas of Learning Analytics and 3-D Learning
October 2017:
- LTE Renewal Project update
- Student feedback on ecosystem of tools and platforms
- Survey tool update
- 3-D Learning engagement projects update
November 2017:
- Update on Survey Tool
- Update on costs of digital learning materials
February 2016:
- Update on LT Governance Committees
- structure and operations
- cost-impact framework for decision making
- Digital Learning Environment Strategy green light planning
- Update on LT Governance Committees
April 2016:
- Presentation and discussion of the LT User Committee summary paper and functional map
- Update on LT Innovation Committee activity, including draft pedagogical priorities
- Digital Learning Environment project - stakeholder engagement strategies
May 2016:
- Presentation and discussion of the Digital Learning Environment Business Case and Guiding Principles
- Update from the LT Innovation Committee - Pedagogical Priorities for Innovation
- Learning Analytics Update
September 2016:
- Discussion and feedback on draft IT Strategic Framework
- Discussion and feedback on LTE Renewal Project update
November 2016:
- Update on LTE Renewal Project - budget, pedagogical use cases and pilot course recommendations
- Presentation of "Defining UBC's pedagogical priorities, finding enablers, suggesting technological solutions" with Dr. Claudia Krebs, Chair, LT Innovation Committee