Interested in the initiatives underway to develop, evaluate, and improve learning technology at UBC? Learn what is in the works and how to get involved.
Explore Current Initiatives
Faculty Working Groups
Faculty working groups are an important part of helping us evaluate learning technologies to fill gaps as they arise. Instructors in working groups collaboratively develop core criteria to compare the available tools and provide recommendations on which technologies should receive central funding and support.
Student Opportunities
We welcome student involvement and input in the LT Hub, primarily through co-op positions, participation in studies and committees, and hands-on hackathon events.
Technology Pilots & Integrations
New learning technologies at UBC undergo a rigorous process of evaluation and preparation before rolling out to the wider community as officially supported technology. These learning technologies are currently being considered or assessed.
Learning Technology Incubator
The Learning Technology (LT) Incubator supports funded UBC learning technology projects by housing their software development within the LT Hub. The instructor(s) for each project work closely with the LT Incubator development team, and guide the strategy of the project by acting as product owners.
Open-Source Projects
Open-source projects are learning technologies that are open to the public to view, download, install, and use. The original source code is made freely available, so these projects also encourage contributions, meaning people who download and change the code can in turn share their changes for everyone else to use. The LT Hub has started several open-source projects and contributes to existing projects started by others.
Enterprise Video Platform Project
The Enterprise Video Platform (EVP) project aims to define and meet UBC’s current needs for video. The project goal is to select an enterprise-level platform that best supports the requirements of instructors, students, and staff in capturing, managing, and sharing/streaming videos.
View Past Initiatives
Learning Technology Environment Renewal
The vision of the Learning Technology Environment (LTE) Renewal project was to empower students and faculty in their learning and teaching by choosing a dynamic, pedagogically sound, and user-friendly platform for online courses. This multi-phase project involved extensive community consultation to select Canvas as a replacement for Connect (Blackboard Learn), UBC’s previous platform.