Gradescope Student Guide

Gradescope is an online application for submitting assignments and exams and receiving detailed marks and feedback on your work. Gradescope is designed to help your instructors and teaching assistants collaborate consistently on grading, so they can return learning outcomes to you efficiently and fairly.

Access Not immediate Your instructor will need to set up a Gradescope course first. Then you can access it through Canvas.
Bandwidth Yes Low demand on internet connections.
Privacy Yes Verified by UBC’s Privacy Impact Assessment process.

What will I use it for?

Your instructor may have you use Gradescope for any of the following:

  • Hand in scans of paper-based assignments, quizzes, or exams
  • Complete online assignments, quizzes, or exams
  • View grades and written feedback for your work

This tool guide was last reviewed in July 2024.

What do I need to use Gradescope?

A supported web browser

Gradescope runs in your web browser and supports using the latest versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or Safari. For more information regarding compatible versions, please check the Gradescope supported browser page.


  • We recommend that you access Gradescope through the link from your Canvas course. However, you can log in to Gradescope directly once you have been enrolled in a Gradescope course and set up a password.

How do I use Gradescope?

Your instructor will set up access to Gradescope from your Canvas course and ensure you are enrolled. You can then participate in the course activities your instructor assigns within Gradescope.

Click any accordion bar below to find instructions and tips for using Gradescope.

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Access and hand in your work with Gradescope

You can access Gradescope through your Canvas course in the Course Navigation. Some instructors may also have you access Gradescope assignments through individual Canvas assignments.

Whether your instructor has asked you to hand in an assignment, quiz, or exam, Gradescope will list your work as an assignment.

  1. Log in to your Canvas course and click Gradescope in the Course Navigation.
    • If you do not see this option in your Course Navigation, please contact your instructor. This link needs to be enabled in your Canvas course for you to see it.
    • You may also be able to access your Gradescope assignment directly through a Canvas assignment, if your instructor has set it up. Click Assignments in the Course Navigation and click the assignment name, if you see it. Then click Load in a New Window.
  2. Gradescope will open in a new window with your course dashboard and all your active assignments.
  3. Select the assignment you would like to submit.
  4. You may see a page telling you that your assignment will be timed. Click Start Assignment when you are ready.
  5. Gradescope assignments are completed based on how your instructor has set them up. You may see different file options to submit, depending on the assignment. When you are ready to hand in your work, follow the prompts to submit your work.
  6. If you would like to submit a PDF:
    • Click Submit PDF, if prompted.
    • Select and upload your PDF.
    • If you see an "Assign Questions and Pages" page, follow the instructions to match your pages with the questions.
    • If a success message pops up, you have completed the assignment. You will then see a list of the questions on the right and your PDF pages on the left. You can click each question to verify that it highlights the part of your PDF that contains the answer to that question. If the questions and answers do not align, click Resubmit to follow the process again.
  7. If you would like to submit images:
    • Click Submit Image, if prompted.
    • Select an image for each question. Depending on your instructor's assignment settings, accepted file types may include PNG, JPEG, GIF, and HEIC, with a maximum submission size up to 100 MB.
    • Once you have finished, click Submit Assignment.
    • If a success message pops up, you have completed the assignment. You will then see a list of the questions on the right and images on the left. You can click each question to verify that it shows the image that contains the answer to that question. If the questions and answers do not align, click Resubmit to follow the process again.
  8. If you see a series of questions with varying ways to respond:
    • Enter answers as indicated in text boxes, radio buttons, and checkboxes or by uploading a file. For untimed assignments, click Save Answer for each question as you go. For timed assessments, your answers are saved automatically.
    • When you have answered all the questions, click Submit & View Submission.
    • You will then see a list of the questions on the right and answers on the left. You can click each question to verify your answer to that question. To edit your answers, click Resubmit.
  9. If you would like to submit code:
    • Select a submission method. Depending on the method you choose, acceptable file types may include Python (.py), JavaScript (.js), or a ZIP file. If your code is stored on Github or Bitbucket, click either Connect to Github or Connect to Bitbucket, and follow the prompts to connect your account. Once your account is connected, select a Repository.
    • Click Upload to submit your assignment.
    • If a success message pops up, you have completed the assignment. You will then see an autograder running  your code, as well as a copy of your code for your reference. If you would like to submit a different code before the deadline, click Resubmit to follow the process again.
  10. Gradescope will email you confirmation of your submitted work with a link to the submission.


Troubleshoot issues with handing in Gradescope work

In general, we recommend that you submit PDF files, rather than images. If you will be scanning your work, we suggest that you refer to Gradescope's recommended scanning apps and instructions. These instructions will help you create PDFs that are small in file size, have high resolution, and will most likely work with Gradescope.

If you have followed the best practices above and are still having issues submitting your work, please try the following:

  • Review Gradescope's submission troubleshooting tips to try to fix the error yourself. Keep in mind how much time you have before the due date passes or before the timer runs out. Contact your instructor if you are worried about missing the deadline due to technical problems.
  • Once you have tried to troubleshoot the issue, try to open the assignment in Gradescope again and submit or resubmit your work.
  • If you still have issues submitting your work, contact from the email address associated with your Gradescope account. Include the name of the course, the assignment, and the text and/or screenshot of any error notifications that you see.
    • You can find what email address is associated with your account in Gradescope by clicking Account at the bottom left in Gradescope and selecting Edit Account. You will see your Gradescope account details, including your associated email addresses, on the new page that loads.

Review your graded work in Gradescope

Not all instructors will release grades using Gradescope. Please ask your instructor or teaching assistants if you are not sure what to expect in your course.

  1. Once you have accessed Gradescope through Canvas, select the assignment you would like to review.
  2. Before your instructors and teaching assistants have finished grading, you will see an ungraded version of this assignment. Once your grades are published, the status will change to graded. On the graded assignment, you will see your total score, as well as individual scores and any written feedback for each question. Click a question on the right to view its details.
  3. Once you have clicked a particular question, you may see written comments either below the question score on the right or—for uploaded files—annotated on the submitted file itself. Gradescope will not indicate which questions have written comments or annotations, so it is best to go through each question by clicking Next Question.


  • Your instructor may choose to email you when graded work is available in Gradescope. You can click the link in the email to be taken directly to your work.
  • You can also check your final grades for Gradescope assignments in Canvas, if your instructor has set this up. To check your grades in Canvas, click "Grades" in the Course Navigation, and then click the assignment that you would like to review grades for.
  • You may be able to request a regrade from the submission review page. Click a question and look for a "Regrade Request" button at the bottom of the page. Repeat this process for any other questions you would like regraded.
  • If you have uploaded PDF or image file(s) as your submission, you can download a graded copy. Click the "Download Graded Copy" button at the bottom of the page and select the option "Download Graded Copy". You may need to click "More" first to see this option. This copy will contain your scores and any written comments or annotations.

Where can I get more support with Gradescope?

Technical support

If you have trouble accessing Gradescope:

  • Contact the UBC IT Service Centre Help Desk:
    604 822 2008 or fill out the UBC IT request form.
  • Reach out to your instructors or teaching assistants with questions too. They may be able to provide real-time assistance in helping you resolve issues.

If you have technical issues using Gradescope:

Online learning support

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