Wondering what tools you can use to achieve common teaching goals at UBC? Pick an area below to compare options and choose the tool suited to your course.
You can always contact us for one-on-one consultations too. We are happy to share personalized advice that considers your specific course context and needs.
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Course Content
Share your course content online—including text, video, audio, and images—through interactive tools like Canvas, Kaltura, LOCR, UBC Blogs, and UBC Wiki.
Communicate with students online using general announcements (Canvas, Microsoft Teams, UBC Blogs) and individualized messages (Canvas, Microsoft Teams).
Lectures & Presentations
Give online lectures or presentations to students with tools for synchronous interaction (Zoom), recording at home (Camtasia, Kaltura, Snagit, VideoScribe), or recording on campus with professional equipment (Classroom Recording and Streaming, DIY Recording Studio, Lightboard).
Assignments & Quizzes
Facilitate assignments and quizzes online with general assignment tools (Canvas, Turnitin, Webwork), computational assignment tools (GitHub, JupyterHub), and formative quiz tools (Canvas, Kaltura, PeerWise, Respondus Quiz, Webwork).
Student Peer Assessments
Include student peer assessments either using assignments where students review each other’s work (Canvas Peer Review, CLAS, ComPAIR, peerScholar) or evaluations where students review each other’s teamwork (iPeer, peerScholar).
Group Work
Support group work online with tools that enable synchronous interaction (Microsoft Teams, Zoom) and asynchronous collaboration (Canvas, Microsoft OneDrive, UBC Wiki).
Host online discussions that happen in synchronous conversations (Microsoft Teams, Zoom) or asynchronous posts on discussions boards (Canvas, Piazza, Threadz, UBC Blogs).
Polls & Surveys
Ask for feedback with polling during live class sessions (iClicker Cloud, Zoom) or asynchronously in an online survey (Qualtrics).
Run online exams using tools for assessments (Canvas, Gradescope, LockDown Browser) including ones that enable remote proctoring (Zoom).
Grade online on your own in Canvas or work with an instructional team using tools that streamline collaborative marking and feedback (Gradescope).