Turnitin is a plagiarism-prevention tool that helps you check the academic integrity of student writing. Starting April 16, 2024, the LT Hub will enable Turnitin’s “Plagiarism Framework” integration with Canvas. The new integration will allow the tools to work together more closely. Specifically, you and your TAs will be able to
- enable Turnitin assignments within the existing Canvas assignment workflow,
- access Turnitin’s plagiarism checking via the Canvas SpeedGrader,
- grade and provide feedback on Turnitin submissions within the Canvas SpeedGrader, and
- view Turnitin’s potential plagiarism indicators directly in the Canvas Gradebook.
What do I need to know about the change?
- You will not need to do anything to prepare. The integration will be enabled seamlessly, and the option to use the tool via a Canvas assignment will be available from April 16 onward.
- We recommend trying the Canvas integration, as it streamlines the Turnitin workflow for you and your students. When using the integration, students will no longer need to create Turnitin accounts or sign in to Turnitin. However, if you prefer, you can continue to use Turnitin as a standalone tool that students access separately from Canvas.
Our Turnitin instructor guide will be updated with steps reflecting the new integration, once it is enabled. If you have other questions about this change or about Turnitin, feel free to contact us at the LT Hub.