Piazza Instructor Guide

Piazza is an online discussion tool that you can use to facilitate written discussions or question-and-answer threads involving students, teaching assistants (TAs), and instructors. Piazza also supports other interactive features like anonymous posting, polling, and wiki-like collaboration (allowing multiple people to edit the same posts).
Access Immediate You can access Piazza through Canvas.
Cost Yes Free.
Bandwidth Yes Low demand on internet connections.
Canvas Integration Partial Works in coordination with Canvas, but no grades are passed from Piazza to Canvas.
Privacy Partial Verified by UBC’s Privacy Impact Assessment process, provided you follow the additional steps noted below.
Similar UBC-Supported Tools Y The built-in discussions in Canvas have some overlap with Piazza.

What can I use it for?

You can use Piazza to facilitate student discussions and participation:

  • Supporting peer learning, wherein students can create and discuss topics with each other
  • Providing a platform for students to collaborate and answer each other’s questions
  • Creating an open learning environment where students can post anonymously
  • Running polls to check student understanding of course concepts

A note about Piazza

Piazza is privacy-compliant, if you take proper steps to protect students’ personal information. Please be sure to provide the following information to your students before they begin using Piazza:

  • In this course, you will be using Piazza, which is a tool to help facilitate discussions. When creating an account in the tool, you will be asked to provide personally identifying information. Please know that you are not required to consent to sharing this personal information with the tool, if you are uncomfortable doing so. If you choose not to provide consent, you may use a student.ubc.ca email address to create an account, or ask about other alternatives.

This tool guide was last reviewed in June 2023.

How are other faculty using Piazza?

Jared Taylor profile Jared Taylor uses Piazza for students to share knowledge in Biology

Piazza is primarily used as a question-and-answer forum where students can ask content-related questions and help each other out. The discussion board is monitored by me and our peer tutor, and we help answer questions as needed. This enhances the course and student learning by having a 24/7 place for students to ask questions and a place to learn by teaching each other. Read more »

What do I need to use Piazza?

A supported web browser

Piazza runs in your web browser and supports using Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge.


  • Piazza offers mobile applications for iOS or Android devices. Check out how to install Piazza apps to interact with your courses.

How do I use Piazza?

You will first need to create or associate a Piazza account with Canvas, then set up a class for students to enrol in.

Click any bar below for instructions and tips for using Piazza.

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Enable Piazza in your Canvas course

It's important to set up Piazza through Canvas, even though you can access it directly through piazza.com. Going through Canvas will prevent technical difficulties.You can enable Piazza in your Canvas course in two ways: by adding it to the Course Navigation or by linking it to a module.

  1. Log in to your Canvas course and select Settings in the Course Navigation.
  2. Click the Navigation tab.
  3. Find the Piazza menu item, click the options menu (the three vertical dots), and choose Enable.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
  1. Log in to your Canvas course and select Modules in the Course Navigation.
  2. Click the plus sign in the upper right corner of the module.
  3. Select External Tool from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select Piazza from the list and check the box next to "Load in a new tab". This setting will allow students a better view of the Piazza interface in a new browser tab.
  5. Click Add Item to add a link to Piazza in your module.


  • We recommend always adding Piazza to your Course Navigation, to give students easier access. But also linking to Piazza from a related module (i.e., a module that includes discussion) can be a good way to organize the course for students.

Create and set up your Piazza class

Once you have enabled Piazza in Canvas, follow these instructions to create your Piazza class, follow these instructions to create your Piazza class.

  1. Log in to your Canvas course and click the Piazza link where you've added it. Piazza will open in a new tab, and you will be prompted for a Piazza account, if you have not previously linked your Piazza account to Canvas:
    • Enter your UBC email and to create an account and click Check Email.
    • If you have never used Piazza before, you may be prompted to enter your name and create a password. To keep your account secure, please use a different password than your UBC CWL (Campus-Wide Login).
    • Click Continue.
    • You will be sent an email with a verification code. Enter the verification code from the email and click Confirm. Your Piazza account will be associated with Canvas.
  2. Fill in the "Estimated Enrollment" field and click Create New Piazza Class.
  3. On the "Configure Your Class" page, review and adjust the default settings. These settings can also be changed after the class has been created. We recommend the following:
    • Keep the “Disabled” option default for the "Instructor Self-Signup". This setting will ensure only you can manually enroll course instructors and TAs as instructors of your Piazza class.
    • Set up an access code for your Piazza class. This code helps prevent non-registered students from accessing your course and allows registered students to use non-UBC email addresses when creating Piazza accounts.
    • Please do not enrol students, other instructors, or TAs on this page. Information on how to more efficiently enrol others is provided in the next part of this guide.
  4. Click Finish Setup and Continue to Class Q&A to access your Piazza class.


  • When first creating your class, we recommend keeping the “Class Name” and “Class Number” fields as-is. These fields are automatically populated with the name of your Canvas course. Leaving them as-is will make your course easier for students to identify.
  • To prevent technical issues for students, please do not use the class signup link provided by Piazza during the class creation. This link is not designed to work with Canvas. Students should instead join your class by clicking the Piazza link that you set up in Canvas.

Add TAs and other instructors to your Piazza class

The easiest way to add TAs and other instructors is to invite them through Piazza.

  1. Log in to your Canvas course and click the Piazza link where you've added it.
  2. In the top navigation bar of your Piazza course, click Manage Class.
  3. Click Manage Enrollment in the grey toolbar.
  4. Enter the UBC email addresses of the TAs and other instructors in the text box.
  5. Click Add Instructors.
  6. In the pop-up, select each person's role, and click Add instructor(s).
  7. Your TAs and other instructors will receive a welcome email with a link to activate their Piazza account.


  • Please only use UBC email addresses when adding TAs and other instructors to your class. This approach protects the confidentiality of their personal email addresses and limits Piazza to communicating through business emails.
  • TAs and instructors have the same level of access in Piazza. Both are able to create folders, edit posts in the Piazza class, and track student participation.

Add students to your Piazza class

Students can self-enrol in your Piazza class. Wherever they initially click the Piazza link in Canvas, students will be prompted to set up their Piazza account.

To ensure your use of Piazza complies with UBC privacy requirements, students must be offered an option to use a student.ubc.ca email address. Recommended wording for this disclosure is included below. If students inquire about other alternatives, make sure you have set up an access code for your Piazza class on the "Configure Your Class" page. Adding an access code allows registered students to use non-UBC email addresses when creating Piazza accounts.

  1. Before you invite students to self-enrol, please be sure to provide the following information to them:
    • In this course, you will be using Piazza, which is a tool to help facilitate discussions. When creating an account in the tool, you will be asked to provide personally identifying information. Please know that you are not required to consent to sharing this personal information with the tool, if you are uncomfortable doing so. If you choose not to provide consent, you may use a student.ubc.ca email address to create an account, or ask about other alternatives.
  2. Students will need to log in to Canvas and click the Piazza link in Canvas, wherever you've added it. You will also need to provide them with the access code, if you are using one.
  3. You can share the following steps to help guide students through the rest of the enrolment process:
    • After you click the link, Piazza will open in a new tab, and you will be prompted to set up an account, if you do not have one already:
      • If you are using Piazza with Canvas for the first time, you may be prompted to enter your preferred email, preferred name, password, and an email verification code. This step is where you can use a student.ubc.ca email address to create an account.
      • You may also be prompted to enter your level of study, major, and anticipated completion date. This information does not need to be accurate, if you wish to keep these details private.
      • Ignore any prompts to publish your profile. You do not need to publish your profile to submit posts to your class on Piazza, and publishing will make more of your personal information visible to Piazza and to other students. If you accidentally publish your profile, you cannot unpublish but you can control who can see your profile.
      • You may be offered the option to "Join the Piazza Network of students and employers". You are not required to join the network to participate in course discussions.
    • If your instructor has used an access code, enter the access code you have been given.
    • Click Join Class to finish enrolling in the Piazza class.

Set anonymity for discussions in your Piazza class

By default, students can choose to post anonymously and that anonymity will extend to everyone in the class: peers, instructors, and TAs. As an instructor, you can decide whether you want to keep students anonymous to the instructional team or not.

Regardless of whether students post anonymously or not, you and your TAs can always edit, delete, or reply to any post.

  1. Log in to your Canvas course and click the Piazza link where you've added it.
  2. In the top navigation bar in your Piazza course, click Manage Class.
  3. Click Customize Q&A in the grey toolbar.
  4. Beside "Posting Anonymously", decide which setting to use:
    • Choose Enable, and students have the option to show up as "Anonymous" to everyone: peers, instructors, and TAs.
    • Choose Disable, and students have the option to show up as "Anonymous" to peers, but instructors and TAs will be able to identify them.
  5. Click Save Changes.


  • Students can set their anonymity on a post-by-post basis, by using the options in the  "Show my name as" drop-down menu. Depending on the settings you've enabled, they may be able to post with their name, as anonymous to classmates, or as anonymous to everyone.
  • You can also provide students with an option to post privately to just the instructional team. Beside "Private Post" in the "Customize Q&A" settings, choose the enable this feature, then save.
  • You can ban students who may be abusing their ability to post anonymously. When viewing any problematic post, hover over the top right corner, click "Actions", and select "Open Ban User Console" to see your options.

Where can I get more support with Piazza?

Technical support

If you have trouble with Piazza:

Pedagogical support

Learn more

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