Looking for help with using a tool or increasing your skills? See who to contact with technical questions and where to get training and development.
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LT Hub Support
The Learning Technology Hub is a central unit that supports the UBC community in using learning technology. We welcome your pedagogical and technical questions, and we will respond as soon as we can during our regular support hours.
Instructional Support Units
Instructional Support Units offer learning technology help at the faculty level. Staff in these units have in-depth knowledge of what tools are used in your faculty and how to effectively apply those tools in a course. If your faculty has an Instructional Support Unit, they should be your first point of contact when you have issues with learning technology.
Educational Media Support
Educational media support—including access to professional equipment, training, and troubleshooting—is available through UBC Studios and free to use for any credit course.
Learning Analytics Support
At UBC, our Learning Analytics team can help you access and make sense of learning data. We offer services and a partnership program to support faculty members’ pedagogical inquiry; to explore actionable sources of data; and to develop processes, data tools, and/or visualizations to answer your pedagogical questions.
Copyright Support
Use of any UBC learning technology must comply with Canadian copyright laws. You can get help with compliance using the support points here.
Explore Training & Development
Privacy Compliance Guidelines
Following the rules and regulations around student privacy is an important consideration in using learning technologies at UBC. Find out the key points you need to know to choose tools and use them in a way that complies with privacy requirements, including BC’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).
Training & Professional Development
The LT Hub offers training and professional development opportunities for teaching with technology. These opportunities allow you to learn more about pedagogical practices, get familiar with available technologies, and explore effective ways of integrating technology into your teaching.
Tips for Teaching with Technology
In addition to the tips you can find in the UBC tool guides on this website, UBC also offers resources and websites to help you teach with technology and support your students in their learning. Key areas for further exploration are listed on this page.