As part of the Enterprise Video Platform (EVP) project, UBC is engaging with faculty, students, and staff to understand what the UBC community has experienced with the current enterprise video platforms and what broader needs they have in this space. This engagement will ensure that the chosen platform best meets UBC’s needs going forward.
What are the opportunities to engage?
The EVP project is split into two rounds. Each round has different opportunities for engagement with the UBC community.
First Round Community Engagement
January – May 2023
The preliminary engagement assessed the current use and status of UBC’s existing video platforms: Kaltura and Panopto. This engagement was intended to give a sampling of the faculty and student experience using these tools and of the instructional staff experience in supporting them.
The preliminary engagement sessions with the UBC community included:
- 16 faculty interviews,
- 7 staff interviews,
- 2 student focus groups, and
- selected student interviews.
The results of this preliminary needs assessment were shared with the EVP Steering Committee in February 2023.
Second Round Community Engagement
June – October 2023
The second round focuses on gathering more detailed needs from faculty and students for teaching and learning with video. This round also seeks to increase awareness in the community about the different ways that video is being used at UBC, while considering ways that video could further support innovative approaches to teaching and learning.
The collecting and sharing of feedback is being done through four main activities.
1) EVP working group (June-October)
A working group of faculty, students, and instructional support staff will collect the broader needs of the UBC academic community for a video platform. The working group will meet 3-4 times during the summer and fall of 2023. Through these meetings, the group will develop comprehensive surveys to capture a range of perspectives and insights from faculty and students.
The group will also analyze the data collected from the surveys to inform requirements for video at UBC. These requirements will help guide the selection of the video platform that best meets the needs of the university.
To join the working group, faculty, students, and instructional support staff can email Lucas Wright (Learning Strategist for EVP).
2) Smaller feedback sessions (June-September)
Faculty & staff
We will be hosting a series of smaller feedback sessions with faculty and instructional support staff at UBC Vancouver and Okanagan, to explore their needs and preferences more in depth.
During these sessions, we will invite participants to share their thoughts and experiences with using video for teaching and learning. We will ask for specific needs and requirements for a video platform, including desired features, functionalities, and user experience. We will also discuss potential barriers and challenges to implementing a new platform and how to address them.
To learn more about the smaller feedback sessions, faculty and instructional support staff can email Lucas Wright (Learning Strategist for EVP).
We will be hosting two smaller feedback sessions for UBC students, to explore their needs and preferences more in depth. These sessions will let students share their desires for learning with educational videos and classroom recordings. The feedback sessions will focus on the features and functionalities that support learning as well as the aspects that could improve the student user experience.
Students can register for an online feedback session in July or August:
3) UBC video needs assessment open feedback sessions (June-October)
We will be hosting a series of open feedback sessions in the summer and fall of 2023, welcoming anyone in the UBC community—faculty, students, and staff—to share their needs and preferences. Participants can voice thoughts on various aspects of video platforms and suggest features and functionalities that they would like to see.
Any UBC community member can register for an online feedback session in any upcoming slot:
- Wed, June 21st, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | Register
- Mon, July 17th, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. | Register
- Mon, August 14th, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. | Register
- Thu, September 14th, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. | Register
- Thu, October 5th, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. | Register
4) EVP surveys (September-November)
Two separate surveys will be run: one for students and another for faculty. These surveys will seek to identify the specific needs and preferences of the UBC community for teaching and learning with video.
As noted above, the surveys will be created collaboratively by a working group of faculty, students, and instructional support staff. The survey questions will be designed to gather a variety of perspectives and insights from the academic community, including specific desired features and functionalities.
- Sep 11 – Oct 4 | Take the EVP student survey
- Oct 14 – Nov 4 | Take the EVP faculty survey
How can I add my feedback to the process?
We invite everyone in the UBC community to participate. Your perspective is important, whether you have used video platforms at UBC a little or a lot. A summary of the opportunities above is provided below, based on your UBC role.
Anyone who has general feedback is also welcome to send feedback to Lucas Wright (Learning Strategist for EVP).
- Join the EVP working group to help develop the faculty and student surveys, and to analyze the needs that we are gathering from the different activities.
- Take the EVP faculty survey (once it is available this fall).
- Participate in one of the smaller faculty feedback sessions.
- Participate in one of the open feedback sessions.
- Join the EVP working group to help develop the faculty and student surveys, and to analyze the needs that we are gathering from the different activities.
- Take the EVP student survey (once it is available this fall).
- Participate in one of the smaller student feedback sessions.
- Join the EVP working group to help develop the faculty and student surveys, and to analyze the needs that we are gathering from the different activities.
- Participate in one of the smaller staff feedback sessions.
- Participate in one of the open feedback sessions.
Where can I send my questions?
If you have questions about the community engagement or about the EVP project, please feel free to reach out.
- Contact us at the LT Hub:
604 827 4775 or or visit the LT Hub online.